Having a university-owned vehicle is a valuable resource for departments who travel on and off campus. However, these vehicles are not exempt from following the university parking regulations. One common violation is parking a university-owned vehicle in an unauthorized stall.
University-owned vehicles are authorized to park in the following locations:
- 'U' permitted stalls
- Pay By Phone stalls
- Stalls in kiosk lots for up to two hours
- Union East Lot (Lot 28)
- Business Lot (Lot 12)
- Student Life Lot (Lot 25)
- Marriott Library Lot (Lot 6)
- 'A' permit stalls (limited to loading and unloading only)
- Campus sidewalks with a Sidewalk Permit provided by Commuter Services
- Maintenance stalls in the following lots:
- Business Lot (Lot 12)
- University Services Lot (Lot 13)
- Huntsman West Lot (Lot 14)
We emphasize the importance of parking university-owned vehicles in authorized stalls to ensure sufficient parking for students, faculty, staff members, visitors and other permit holders. Failure to park in an authorized location may result in parking citations, which the department is responsible for paying.
Visit the Commuter Services website to learn more about parking regulations, citations and other resources.